
Semen Analysis

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Volume, concentration, count, motility, and morphology.

Semen analysis, also known as a sperm count test, analyzes the health and viability of a man’s sperm. Semen is the fluid containing sperm (plus other sugar and protein substances) that’s released during ejaculation. A semen analysis measures three major factors of sperm health:

  • the number of sperm
  • the shape of the sperm
  • the movement of the sperm, also known as “sperm motility”

(Mentioned Image is sourced from Invitra.com)

How to prepare for semen analysis

Your doctor will let you know what you should do in preparation for the semen analysis. It’s very important to follow these instructions for accurate results.

To get the best sample:

  1. Avoid ejaculation for 24 to 72 hours before the test.
  2. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and chewing tobacco for two to five days before the test.

The results of the semen analysis conducted as part of an initial assessment should be compared with the following World Health Organization reference values:

  1. semen volume: 1.5 ml or more
  2. pH: 7.2 or more
  3. sperm concentration: 15 million spermatozoa per ml or more
  4. total sperm number: 39 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more
  5. total motility (percentage of progressive motility and non‑progressive motility): 40% or more motile or 32% or more with progressive motility
  6. vitality: 58% or more live spermatozoa
  7. sperm morphology (percentage of normal forms): 4% or more.

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What Our Patients Says

Dr. Malika Jain Doshi

MBBS, DGO, FIOG (Mumbai)(Obstetrician and Gynecologist)

Dr. Malika started her career as infertility specialist in 2011 in Mumbai under Dr. Prakash Trivedi. Later she moved to Indore to set up and start the new chapter of her life – MP Fertility Center. Her patients loves the way she explains and counsel them. She is an avid reader about latest IVF practices and advancements around the world. That’s the reason she makes tailor made protocols for each patient – indeed which is the back bone to MP Fertility Center for such a high success rate.

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